Long Point Park
When a bobcat appeared
on the roadside near the entrance, I knew Long Point
Park was a good choice. This park is located in the middle of a stretch
of barrier islands on the Atlantic coast, but there's not the over-development
here that you see on the Gulf side near Sarasota and St Pete's. There
are large tracts of wilderness preservation here and far fewer multi-lane
highways, high-rise condos, and big box stores. It's just a mile
north of the popular Sebastian Inlet State Park, an angler's, birder's
and surfer's delight. Though a little pricey, with no extended-stay
discounts, the waterfront
sites here are worth it. Right from my doorstep, I had the luxury of
putting my kayak in the water at anytime. And it's a beautiful place
to kayak with dolphins, manatees, stingrays, man-o-war and anything
else that blows in from the Atlantic. It's a great place to bike with
Harley, too. But if you're unlucky enough to get whackadoo neighbors
that descends upon your tranquility with three wild, screaming young
children and three beer-guzzling "adults", you're out of
luck because there's no privacy or buffer between the grassy sites.
So your only real recourse is to play some soothing favorite music
and enjoy this: Redneck

Ice Cream BOAT

Portuguese Man O' War

Family Reunion
My brother Mike lives in this area, so my other brother Steve
flew out from Seattle, and my dad also came down from Cleveland. It
turned out to be a family vacay except that I was not on vacation. So
while they sought out ways to enjoy their leisurely sunny days, I toiled
at my computer and met up with them for dinner when the
sun went down.
Mike's got three girl dogs. Two of them are very elderly. All of them
are very sweet. I thought Harley was 50% husky, 25% lab and 25% golden
retriever, but after witnessing his behavior around my brother's three
girl dogs, I see now that he's also 100% perv.
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